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News & Information



In the past 30 days, a number of North Barrington residents and residents in the surrounding communities have experienced vehicle theft.The Lake County Sheriff’s Office has been in communication with the owners and the Village and investigations are ongoing.

As unfortunate and unsettling as this is in our community where we feel safe, it is a good reminder to always be vigilant and to report suspicious activity in your neighborhood to the Lake County Sheriff’s department at 847-549-5200.

Did you know that one million vehicles were stolen in the United States in 2023.This is a 25% increase over the prior year according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.More than one-half of the vehicles stolen occur because owners fail to take simple precautions.Here are a few steps you can take to prevent your vehicle from being stolen.

  • Park in a garage if possible.
  • Take your keys into the house.Don’t leave them in the vehicle.
  • Close and lock the vehicle doors.
  • Don’t leave valuables in the vehicle -especially in plain sight.

If your car is stolen, call 911 immediately and file a report. Be sure to contact your insurance company.


35 & 65 Gallon Cart Service = $19.11/month or $57.33/qtr

35 & 65 Gallon Cart Service Senior Rate = $16.24/month or $48.72/qtr

95 Gallon Cart Service = $19.67/month or $59.01/qtr

95 Gallon Cart Service Senior Rate = $16.72/month or $50.16/qtr

Back Door Service (does not include above serv) = $28.14/month or $84.42/qtr (this is added to above fee)

Regular Cart Rental = $5.62/month or $16.86/qtr

Food Waste Cart Rental = $5.07/month or $ 15.21/qtr

Back Door Extra Cart Rental = $11.24/month or $33.72/qtr

Extra Yardage Rate = $16.88/per yard

Service Change Fee (after first 90 days) = $28.14/per change


At the April 2024 Village Board Meeting, the Board of Trustees approved the FYE 2025 Budget that began on May 1, 2024 and ends April 30, 2025. View budget overview here.

This year’s budget anticipates $1,374,670 in expenditures in the General Fund or often referred to as the operating budget.This fund is where the day-to-day Village operating costs are expended.Estimated revenues are $1,796,281 or $421,000 surplus by the end of the fiscal year.Any surplus funds are planned to be transferred to the Capital Projects Fund, which is a fund restricted to capital projects and cannot be used for operational expenses.

Expenditures are up 4.5% ($59,067) over last fiscal year.The top four increases include police services ($5,000, second year of a 3-year contract), Salaries ($19,000), Snow & Ice Management Services ($10,000, last year of a 3-year contract), Building and Zoning Department ($24,000 due to increase in activity).

The Board of Trustees also approved its 5-year Capital Improvement Plan that includes $1,933,700 in capital expenditures this fiscal year.The top two projects include the Grassmere, Haverton, Oaksbury Storm Water Improvement Project ($1,250,000) and the 2024 Street Rehabilitation Program ($525,000).

The total cost of the storm water project is estimated to be $2.5 million.It’s expected the cost will occur over two fiscal years.The Village anticipates receipt of a $2.5 million Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) grant to fund the project.

The 2024 Street program is funded through Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) revenues that are received from the State of Illinois.The revenues come from a tax on every gallon of gas sold in the state and a portion of the tax is distributed to each village and city in the state on a per capita basis.The Village saves the MFT funds and uses these funds to repair the streets. This is a bi-annual program.

Village Hall Hours

The Village Hall is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. The Village Hall is closed Saturday and Sunday.

August 2, 2024


Grassmere, Haverton, and Oaksbury Pond Drainage Improvements Project


For many years, the Village has experienced flooding on Haverton Way, Route 59, and in the Oaksbury Subdivision.The cause of the flooding is due to failed drainage systems that traverse private property.These drainage systems that are mostly open drainage channels, old drain tiles, and swales through the Haverton on the Pond subdivision, Grassmere Farm subdivision, and Oaksbury subdivisions have been failing for many years.

In addition, the storm water pipe under IL Route 59 has failed and is preventing storm water from passing through the pipe (west to east).Instead, the storm water overtops the highway.The drainage systems on the east side of the highway have also failed and are causing the water levels in this area to rise, increasing the standing water on private property.

The Oaksbury Subdivision, more specifically, Duck Pond Ln. and private property is inundated with storm water from time to time during heavy rain events.This is mostly caused by undersized storm water conveyance channels downstream of the Oaksbury Pond located at the end of Duck Pond Ln.

No additional storm water is being conveyed to Oaksbury with this project.The flow of storm water through the Oaksbury area is restricted by the existing storm water pipe under IL Route 22.The restricted flow under the highway has been in place for many years and is not being changed.

Why is the Village Constructing This Project?

The area impacted by the flooding is significant and encompasses more than 300 acres and impacts more than 40 parcels including properties outside of the Village.A project of this magnitude can only be accomplished by a partnership with multiple governmental agencies.No homeowner’s association or private property owner can make the necessary changes to improve the conditions.

The flooding is causing a significant safety concern for motorists on IL Route 59.The flooding is causing public infrastructure to fail, namely Haverton Way in the Haverton on the Pond subdivision, and IL Route 59.Certain private property owners are also seeing a rise in water levels on their property.

Project Funding

The Village of North Barrington is not planning to raise property taxes or any other tax to pay for the project.

The Village was made aware of a unique funding opportunity that is not typically available.The funding for the project is coming from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA).The federal government allocated funds through ARPA for storm water mitigation projects.The State of Illinois is one state that is the recipient of these funds.The State designated the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) the grant administrator of the $35 million allocated to Lake County.Lake County Stormwater Management Commission (LCSMC) will be the Lake County governmental agency to receive the funds. LCSMC is currently in the process of reviewing the grant agreement with DCEO that will release the funds.The timing of this is unknown.

Once an Agreement is executed between LCSMC and DCEO, LCSMC will enter into sub-agreements with the fifteen (15) communities that have already been pre-approved by LCSMC for funding.North Barrington’s project is one of the fifteen (15) projects that have been preliminarily approved.However, approval is subject to permitting through multiple governmental agencies and securing all the necessary easements to construct the project.The timing of the permit approval is unknown at this time.

LCSMC has earmarked $2.496 million for the “Grassmere, Haverton, and Oaksbury Pond Drainage Improvements Project”.The Village cost share is 15% of the construction cost which the Village has included $375,000 in the FYE 2025 budget. The Village is also responsible for any costs that exceed the $2.496 million grant.

The preliminary cost estimate is believed to be within the grant funding limit, but until the project is bid on, the final cost will not be known. If the low bid on the project is higher than the grant amount, the Village will need to evaluate its options.The Village may elect to use other funds on hand in its Capital Fund account, defer other capital projects to make funds available, reduce the scope of the project, seek other grant funding opportunities, or choose not to proceed with the project.

Project Status

A draft of the design engineering plans is completed, and permit application has been submitted to the US Army Corp of Engineers.Submission of permit application to the Illinois Department of Transportation, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, and Lake County Stormwater Management Commission are anticipated by the end of August.The review and approval process will take several months, and the plans may be amended through the process.It is anticipated that the Village will get approval in December 2024, but the Village has no control over the other agencies’ approval process.

The overall project design is dependent on securing fourteen (14) easements from private property owners.The Village is in the process of scheduling a second round of meetings between the Village and affected property owners.The meetings will focus specifically on the design and easements needed to construct the project.The easement documents have been revised based on the changes in engineering design and feedback from affected property owners.This is a fluid process, and further changes may be needed based on review comments from the permitting agencies and/or property owner.

The project start date is targeted for Spring/Summer 2025.

Golf Cart Registration

Golf Carts driven on public streets must be registered with the Village of North Barrington. All golf carts driven on public streets must meet the requirements stipulated in the Village Code. Application and instructions can be downloaded here.

Key Provisions

  1. Must have a valid driver's license to operate a golf cart on a public street.
  2. Golf carts may only be driven on streets with a posted speed limit of 25 mph or lower.
  3. Applicants must provide a copy of insurance policy providing proof of liability insurance to operate the golf cart on a public street.
  4. Hours of Operation:
    • Monday – Thursday: 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.
    • Friday – Saturday: 6:00 a.m. to Midnight

Questions can be directed to the Village Administrator, John A. Lobaito by telephone at (847) 381-6000 x10 or email at jlobaito@northbarrington.org

SWALCO Special Materials Collections:

SWALCO will host monthly drop off events at the Gurnee facility to handle high demand items. Only the items below will be accepted. Business waste or unknown/unlabeled cylinders, canisters or containers will not be accepted items. Items are accepted by appointment. To make an appointment, visit swalco.org.

  • Latex Paint (no oil-based paints, varnishes or other)
  • 1 quart or less $2.00 each, 1 gallon $4.50 each, 5 gallons $11.50 each.
  • Single Use and Isobutane Propane Cylinders (small only) $4.25 each.
  • Fire Extinguishers (all sizes, makes and models) $3.00 each.

You may also call SWALCO (Solid Waste Management of Lake County)




Conservation Info

Best Management Practices Handbook, Conservation at Home programs including Rain Gardens can be found here.

Utility Information


Septic and Well

Information can be found here.

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Website: Myriad Creative Services