
The Village Staff consists of the Village Administrator/Clerk and an Administrative Assistant. The Village Office is located at 111 Old Barrington Road (one mile west of the intersection of Illinois Route 22 and Illinois Route 59, and north one block on Old Barrington Road). Regular Office Hours are Monday through Thursday from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM, or by appointment. Friday hours are 8:30 am to 12:30 pm.

The Village Administrator directs, supervises and coordinates the activities of all departments, offices, and agencies of the village and administers the affairs of the Village to ensure that all Village business is accomplished efficiently and economically. The Administrator develops and recommends policies and procedures for consideration by the Village President and Board of Trustees. The Village Administrator also prepares and coordinates the agendas of the Village Board of Trustees, prepares the annual budget in conjunction with the Finance Committee and prepares the annual appropriation and levy ordinances for Village Board review and approval.


While the Village Board does not outwardly look for discord, the Village has legal counsel for normal business activities, as well as defense of pending and potential litigation.

Most Village documents are open to view by the public. If you wish to get copies of any past minutes, or Village records, please complete the Freedom of Information Act Request (FOIA) and return to the Village Office.

The Village Attorney is Bryan Winter of Fuqua Winter, Ltd.


The Village Engineers provide planning, design and construction services related to stormwater management, roads and other activities within the Village of North Barrington.

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Website: Myriad Creative Services