Forestry Department

Trees are a valuable natural resource for the Village of North Barrington, and steps have been taken to preserve them within the Village. The Village Forester, Susan Allman, reviews all building applications, and suggests measures to lessen the negative impact to trees, and to ensure compliance with all the Village codes and ordinances. Most building permits require a tree-removal permit.


The Village has a Heritage Tree Ordinance that prohibits the removal of any tree having a diameter of twenty inches or greater. Removal of any Heritage Tree, regardless of condition, without contacting the Village Forester is prohibited and subject to violation penalties. The Village Forester may grant a permit for removal of a Heritage Tree. An application requesting removal of a Heritage Tree is available on the Village website or at the Village Hall. A certified arborist’s determination of the Heritage Tree’s health may be required. In some cases the homeowner may be required to replace the Heritage Tree.

In 2000, the Village passed its Comprehensive Tree Preservation Ordinance, and has also been awarded Tree City, USA status for the past sixteen years for its work in tree replacement, education and tree-related activities. Email:

Heritage Tree Permit Application


An Ordinance was passed establishing a cost sharing tree planting policy on private property in North Barrington. The Village recognizes the importance trees have in the community. The planting of trees provides benefits to the community including improved property values, reduction in carbon dioxide, provides food and shelter for wildlife, stabilizes soil from erosion, has a cooling effect through transpiration, and provides a natural buffer between homes and roadways.

A resident may request financial reimbursement from the Village for the planting of a tree on private property located within the Village. The Village will reimburse the property owner up to 50% of the actual cost of the purchase and planting of the tree or $300, whichever amount is less. Upon application, the following program guidelines shall apply:

  • The quote must be from a nursery engaged in the business of selling and planting trees and include a one-year guarantee. The quote shall include the cost of the tree, species of the tree, caliper of the tree (minimum of 2 inches), planting cost of the tree and the one-year guarantee.
  • The tree planting location must be marked by the owner and JULIE (homeowner is responsible to arrange), be in the front or side yard, not located in the ROW and approved by a Village official.
  • One tree per year per residential address, applications will be first come first served and reimbursement is subject to the availability of Village funds.

Cost Sharing Tree Planting Application.

Tree of the Year Recognition Program

Nominations for the Village of North Barrington Tree of the Year are open!!

The Environmental and Health Commission is happy to announce the Tree of The Year Recognition program. In July, the Board of Trustees approved the program that will begin immediately. The Village Board recognizes the importance that trees have in the community and has established a tree preservation ordinance. The community has also received the designation of Tree City USA for the past 20 years.

The Tree of The Year program recognizes the value trees have in the community by mitigating the impacts of climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide, increasing property values, reducing energy costs, and improving mental and physical health to the Village residents.

If you want to nominate your tree for this recognition or if you know of a tree in the community that you feel has significant beauty, has a historical significance or a story of interest, or is of exceptional size, form, or rarity we encourage you to nominate the tree.

The winning tree will be announced and recognized at the Village Arbor Day Celebration.

Feel free to start a nomination for the following year.

Tree of the Year Nomination Form.

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Website: Myriad Creative Services