Police Services

The Village of North Barrington currently contracts 24-hour police protection services through Lake County Sheriff's Police.

The purpose of the police is to serve the community by protecting life and property, by preventing crime, by enforcing the laws and by incarcerating offenders of the laws, and by maintaining order for all citizens.

The Lake County Sheriff's Police (non-emergency #847-549-5200) is comprised of various divisions: Highway Patrol, Criminal Investigations, Court Security, Communications, Warrants, Civil Process, Records, marine Unit, Reserve Unit and Lake County Emergency Management Agency. Through the specific function in each, these organizational components enable the Sheriff's Office to accomplish the primary objective of providing effective police protection and service in a coordinated fashion to the residents of North Barrington, and many areas of the Lake County.

Fire Services

The Village of North Barrington is protected by two fire protection districts; residents north of Miller Road are protected by the Wauconda Fire Protection District (non-emergency #847-526-2821), residents south of Miller Road are protected by the Lake Zurich Rural Fire Protection District (non-emergency #847-540-5070).

The purpose of each of the fire departments is to respond, attack, confine and extinguish fires when they occur with a minimal loss of life and property. Fire Department personnel are also trained to respond and control hazardous material situations, provide underground and underwater rescue, and to provide emergency medical services in order to stabilize the condition of the sick and injured.

Lake Zurich Fire District operates several stations within the area; the one closest to North Barrington is on Route 22, just east of Route 59. Wauconda also has several stations, with the closest to North Barrington at Route 176 and Main Street in downtown Wauconda.

The Village, along with our fire district Chief John Malcolm (LZ) and Chief MIke Wahl (Wauconda) have developed an Emergency Service Disaster Plan in case of a natural or manmade "event" in the North Barrington area.

Each district is its own taxing body, and has its own Board of Directors. Please contact either of the districts for additional information.

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