2020 Meeting Agendas & Minutes


01/07/2020Environmental & Health Commission Meeting
01/13/2020Plan Commission Meeting CanceledNotice
01/14/2020Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting
01/14/2020Environmental & Health Commission SPECIAL MEETINGNoticeMinutes
01/15/2020Board of Trustees MeetingAgendaMinutes
01/20/2020Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting CanceledNotice


02/04/2020Environmental & Health Commission MeetingAgendaMinutes
02/10/2020Plan Commission Meeting CanceledNotice
02/11/2020Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting CanceledNotice
02/19/2020Board of Trustees MeetingAgendaMinutes
02/27/2020Finance Committee MeetingAgenda


03/03/2020Environmental & Health Commission Meeting CanceledNotice
03/09/2020Plan Commission Meeting CanceledNotice
03/10/2020Special Meeting of the Environmental & Health Commission AgendaMinutes
03/10/2020Zoning Board of Appeals CanceledNotice
03/11/2020Finance Committee MeetingAgenda
03/18/2020Board of Trustees MeetingAgendaMinutes



Finance Committee Meeting Public Hearing Notice

04/07/2020Environmental & Health Commission Meeting CanceledNotice
04/13/2020Plan Commission Meeting CanceledNotice
04/14/2020Zoning Board of Appeals CanceledNotice

Public Hearing FY 2020-2021 Proposed Budget

04/15/2020Board of Trustees MeetingAgendaMinutes
04/20/2020Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting CanceledNotice
04/29/2020Village Board Special MeetingAgendaMinutes


05/05/2020Environmental & Health Commission Meeting CanceledNotice
05/11/2020Plan Commission Meeting CanceledNotice
05/12/2020Zoning Board of Appeals CanceledNotice
05/20/2020Board of TrusteesAgendaMinutes


06/02/2020Environmental & Health Commission MeetingAgenda
06/08/2020Plan Commission Meeting CanceledNotice
06/09/2020Zoning Board of Appeals CanceledNotice
06/17/2020Board of Trustees MeetingAgendaMinutes
06/29/2020Finance Committee MeetingAgenda
While the meeting will be held at Village Hall, remote attendance will be provided through Zoom. Access to the meeting can be found at the link below:


Meeting ID:416 813 0572; Password: 0NeGdv


07/07/2020Environmental & Health Commission Meeting CanceledNotice
07/13/2020Plan Commission Meeting CanceledNotice
07/14/2020Zoning Board of Appeals - CanceledNotice
07/15/2020Public Hearing Annual Appropriation NoticeAgenda/PublicationMinutes
While the meeting will be held at Village Hall, remote attendance will be provided through Zoom. Access to the meeting can be found at the link below:


Meeting ID:416 813 0572; Password: 0NeGdv

07/15/2020Board of TrusteesAgendaMinutes
While the meeting will be held at Village Hall, remote attendance will be provided through Zoom. Access to the meeting can be found at the link below:


Meeting ID:416 813 0572; Password: 0NeGdv

07/20/2020Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting CanceledNotice


08/04/2020Environmental & Health Commission Meeting CanceledNotice
08/10/2020Plan Commission Meeting CanceledNotice
08/11/2020Zoning Board of Appeals CanceledNotice
08/19/2020Board of TrusteesAgendaMinutes
While the meeting will be held at Village Hall, remote attendance will be provided through Zoom. Access to the meeting can be found at the link below:


Meeting ID:416 813 0572; Password: 0NeGdv


09/01/2020Environmental & Health Commission Meeting CanceledNotice
09/14/2020Plan Commission Meeting CanceledNotice
09/15/2020Zoning Board of Appeals CanceledNotice
09/16/2020Board of TrusteesAgendaMinutes

The Village President has determined that an in-person meeting is not practical or prudent because of the COVID-19 disaster, therefore this meeting will also include the meeting being conducted by audio or video conference. The Village will be following social distance requirements for all meeting attendees and will allow remote attendance via Zoom.

Access to the meeting can be found at the link below:


Meeting ID: 416 813 0572

Password: 0NeGdv


10/06/2020Environmental & Health Commission Meeting CanceledNotice
10/12/2020Plan Commission Meeting CanceledNotice
10/13/2020Zoning Board of Appeals Notice of Public HearingNotice
10/13/2020Zoning Board of Appeals AgendaAgendaMinutes
The Village President has determined that an in-person meeting is not practical or prudent because of the COVID-19 disaster, therefore this meeting will also include the meeting being conducted by audio or video conference. The Village will be following social distance requirements for all meeting attendees and will allow remote attendance via Zoom.

Access to the meeting can be found at the link below:


Meeting ID: 416 813 0572

Password: 0NeGdv

10/19/2020Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting CanceledNotice
10/21/2020Board of Trustees MeetingAgendaMinutes
The Village President has determined that an in-person meeting is not practical or prudent because of the COVID-19 disaster, therefore this meeting will also include the meeting being conducted by audio or video conference. The Village will be following social distance requirements for all meeting attendees and will allow remote attendance via Zoom. Access via Zoom shall be available by using the below link, Meeting Id and Password:


Meeting ID: 416 813 0572

Password: 0NeGdv


11/03/2020Environmental & Health Commission Meeting Canceled
11/09/2020Plan Commission Meeting CanceledNotice
11/10/2020Zoning Board of Appeals CanceledNotice
11/18/2020Board of Trustees MeetingAgendaMinutes
The Village President has determined that an in-person meeting is not practical or prudent because of the COVID-19 disaster, therefore this meeting will also include the meeting being conducted by audio or video conference. The Village will be following social distance requirements for all meeting attendees and will allow remote attendance via Zoom. Access via Zoom shall be available by using the below link, Meeting Id and Password:


Meeting ID: 416 813 0572

Password: 0NeGdv


12/01/2020Environmental & Health Commission Meeting CancelledNotice
12/08/2020Zoning Board of Appeals Public Hearing AgendaAgendaMinutes
The Village President has determined that an in-person meeting is not practical or prudent because of the COVID-19 disaster, therefore this meeting will also include the meeting being conducted by audio or video conference. The Village will be following social distance requirements for all meeting attendees and will allow remote attendance via Zoom. Access via Zoom shall be available by using the below link, Meeting Id and Password:


Meeting ID: 416 813 0572

Password: 0NeGdv


To access the meeting by phone dial (312) 626- 6799

Meeting ID: 416 813 0572

Password: 0NeGdv

12/14/2020Plan Commission Meeting CancelledNotice
12/15/2020Zoning Board of Appeals CancelledNotice
12/16/2020Village Board MeetingAgendaMinutes
The Village President has determined that an in-person meeting is not practical or prudent because of the COVID-19 disaster, therefore this meeting will also include the meeting being conducted by audio or video conference. The Village will be following social distance requirements for all meeting attendees and will allow remote attendance via Zoom. Access via Zoom shall be available by using the below link, Meeting Id and Password:


Meeting ID: 416 813 0572

Password: 0NeGdv

To access the meeting by phone dial (312) 626- 6799

Meeting ID: 416 813 0572

Password: 824994

12/21/2020Environmental & Health Commission Special Meeting NoticeAgendaMinutes

Meeting ID: 416 813 0572

Password: 0NeGdv


To access the meeting by phone dial (312) 626- 6799

Meeting ID: 416 813 0572

Password: 824994

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Website: Myriad Creative Services